A Detailed Tutorial About Numbers in Python

A Detailed Tutorial About Numbers in Python

Python is an easy and popular programming language for new programmers. If you are interested in numbers in Python, don’t miss this article. It’s helpful for you. Read it now.

What are Python Numbers?

The numeric values are kept in the variables using the numeric data types. When a variable is given a value, several objects are produced. As an illustration, a = 5 will produce a number object with the value 5.

The del keyword in Python also enables us to remove a reference to a specific number. For instance, del a will remove the object a that was previously declared.

Three different kinds of integers can be assigned to a variable in Python.

  • Int: Negative or non-negative numbers that don’t have a decimal point are known as Int (signed Integer objects). In Python, there is no bound on an integer. However, the quantity of memory in our system limits how significant the number can be. Binary, hexadecimal, and octal numbers are some of the different number systems that Python supports. 
  • Float: The float type is used for storing numbers with floating points or the decimal point. Float can also be written in Python using scientific notation to represent the power of 10. For instance, the value 280.0 is represented as 2.8e2.
  • Complex (complex numbers): Complex numbers have the formula a+bj, where a represents the real portion of the number and bj represents the imaginary portion. The square root of -1 serves as the imaginary i. It is less frequently utilized in programming.

How to Convert Number Type?

In Python, many different types of numbers like int, float, and complex are also functions. It’s similar to Java’s wrapper classes, which are mainly used for typecasting. Although Python performs type casting internally during the evaluation of expressions and binds the values to their real types, there are some situations where we need to explicitly define the data type of a variable. For instance, if we need an integer value, we must explicitly convert the string the user enters to the integer using the input() function.

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Python internally converts numbers in an expression with mixed kinds to a common type before evaluating them. However, there are situations when you must explicitly convert a number from one type to another to meet an operator’s or function argument’s specifications.

  • To turn x into an ordinary integer, type int(x).
  • To turn x into a floating-point number, type float(x).
  • To make x into a complex number having a real component of x and an imaginary part of zero, type complex(x).

Methods of Python Numbers

Following are all methods of Python numbers:

  • ceil(): Rounding a number UP to the nearest integer value with the ceil() function.
  • floor(): To round a number DOWN to the nearest integer value, use the floor() function.
  • degrees(): To convert a radian angle to a degree.
  • radians(): To translate a degree-based angle into radians.
  • factorial(): To determine the factorial of any positive integer, use factorial(). 
  • fabs(): To determine a number’s float absolute value.
  • trunc(): To round a number to the closest integer.
  • pow(): Returns the value of x raised to the power y of two arguments, x and y. 
  • isinf() and isfinite(): Determining a number’s finiteness.
  • isclose(): To determine whether two numbers are close or not
  • getcontext(): To specify whether to round the digits up or down and to set the precision of a decimal.
  • limit_denominator(): To restrict the denominator’s digit count.
  • from_float(): To convert a floating number to fractions


Python has a large selection of built-in data types to accommodate various needs. There are many built-in methods for carrying out various operations for each data type. We hope you will like this article about Python numbers. If you want to expand your knowledge about Python or any programming language, let’s learn on learnshareit. It will be helpful for you.