The stack is used for maintaining any sort of LIFO(Last in First Out) Data Structure. Application of Stack in Data Structure used in real-life also. Many computer algorithms work best with stacks for example Tower of Hanoi. Let’s find out real-life examples of the Application of Stack in Data Structure.
Below are the 10 Real-life examples of Stack and 12 Applications of Stack in Data Structure. You will love to read stack applications.

Table of Contents
Application of Stack in Real Life
Stack is used very often in real life, even normal people use the application of Stack in their daily life routines. Here is some example of the stack in real-life. Below are the 10 Applications of Stack in Real Life.
- Women’s Bangles: Women wear a bangle one by one and to pull the first one they have to first pull out the last one.
- Books and Clothes: Piled on top of each other is a great example of the stack.
- Floors in a Building: If a person is living on the top floor and wants to go outside, he/she first needs to land on the ground floor.
- Browsers: Web browsers use the stack to keep track of the history of websites if you click back then the previous site opens immediately.
- Mobile Phone Call Logs: Call logs in mobiles to use the stack, to get a first-person call log you have to scroll.
- Companies: When a company want to reduce its workforce. Typically they follow “last hired, first fired”
- Garage: If a garage is not wide enough. To remove the first car we have to take out all the other cars after it.
- Tubewell Boring Machine: Tubewell boring machines use a stack to pull or push same as a stack
- Text Editors: Undo or Redo mechanism in the Text Editors(Excel, Notepad or WordPad etc.)
- The CD/DVD stand
Application of Stack in Data Structure
Apart from the real-life example of stack here are some different applications of the stack in Data Structure. The functionality will be the same else we can’t say it stacks.
- Memory management
- Function Call(recursive functions.)
- String Reversal
- Parenthesis Checking
- Backtracking
- Syntax Parsing
- Reversing a String
- Matching HTML Tags in Web Developing.
- Arithmetic Expression Evaluation
- Java compiler uses postfix notation
- Java virtual machine uses a stack
- Expression Conversion or Expression Evaluation
- infix to prefix
- infix to postfix
- prefix to infix
- prefix to postfix
- postfix to infix
- postfix to prefix
The stack is used for maintaining any sort of LIFO(Last in First Out) Data Structure. Many computer algorithms work best with stacks for example Tower of Hanoi.
Real-Life Applications of Stack in Data Structure
Below are the 28 Applications of Stack Real-Life Examples in Data Structure. Stack follows LIFO(Last in First Out) Structure.
- A stack application of dishes in a dishwasher
- A stack of books on a bookshelf
- A stack of papers on a desk
- A stack of money in a cash register
- A stack of boxes in a warehouse
- A stack of tires in a garage
- A stack of logs for a fireplace
- A stack of bricks on a building construction
- A stack of firewood next to a fireplace
- A stack of newspapers at a newsstand
- A stack of envelopes on a desk
- A stack of magazines at a doctor’s office
- A stack application of toy blocks for a child to play with
- A stack of folders in an office
- A stack of paper cups at a water cooler
- A stack of chairs at an outdoor concert
- A stack of firewood at a campsite
- A stack of sheets at a laundromat
- A stack application of pillows on a bed
- A stack of cardboard boxes in a moving truck
- A stack of chairs in a school classroom
- A stack of tires at a tire dealership
- A stack of firewood in a backyard
- A stack of suitcases in a hotel lobby
- A stack of blankets in a linen closet
- A stack of shopping bags at a department store
- A stack of skis at a ski resort
- A stack application of bikes at a bike shop
What are the 6 Applications of Stack?

1. Women Bangles
2. Books and Clothes
3. Floors in a Building
4. Browsers Tabs
5. Mobile Phone Call History
6. Tubewell Boring Machine
Explain in Brief About Stack
Stack is used in real life, even normal people use the application of Stack in their daily life routines. Here is some example of the stack in real-life.